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Aims & Objectives

The Crommelin Native Arboretum, known by many as the Pearl Beach Arboretum, follows set aims and objectives in everything we do to ensure we're always acting on the best interests of our unique Australian flora and fauna.

Under the Crommelin Native Arboretum Inc Constitution the objects of the Arboretum are:


  1. To protect, enhance, maintain and manage the Crommelin Native Arboretum at Pearl Beach, N.S.W., and

  2. To promote and encourage nature conservation at Pearl Beach and elsewhere.


A copy of our Constitution can be found HERE.


We also follow set aims and objectives in everything we do to ensure we’re always acting on the best interests of our unique Australian flora and fauna.


  • To maintain and develop this natural bushland area by extending the planting of indigenous species, and by retaining some areas in their natural state as examples of sandplain vegetation.

  • To provide for residents and visitors of Pearl Beach an area for quiet enjoyment and education about natural flora and fauna.

  • To promote and encourage native plant conservation including planting of threatened species.

  • To plant eucalyptus tree species so Koalas may be re-introduced with the guidance of our partners at Sydney University.

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Our committee work to uphold the collective vision of the Arboretum:

  • A unique area that needs a necessary and specific zoning to ensure it is protected and conserved for future generations.

  • Economically sustainable as it is managed by volunteers who maintain the walking tracks, remove noxious and environmentally invasive weeds, and remove trees and branches considered unsafe by our honorary arborist.

  • A showcase for both the local Central Coast community and beyond, as it displays native plant species and land management techniques that are highly relevant for local gardens and creek banks.

  • Used by a variety of people who come to see this ecologically and botanically significant area – some for the plants, some to just enjoy the peace of this biodiverse area.

  • Available to the public to access the land for functions and other educational or social events.

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